Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tomorrow is the start of Bluesfest, my favourite time of the year in Ottawa. I’m looking forward to 12 straight days of music. You can check out my itinerary here. It’s optimistic, but I’m hoping to see most of those bands.

Bluesfest has continued to impress me over the years. It first started with the cup suckers (a nifty tube to drop your used beer cups in), then the corn based beer cups and the bike valets. Not to mention the music. I’ve seen some of my favourites, like Wilco, Primus, Snoop, and Manu Chao, and introduced to bands I hadn’t heard at the time, like Gogol Bordello, Broken Social Scene and Metric.

I do however have one gripe with Bluesfest; the chair dwellers. I have no issue with you bringing a chair to an outdoor show, especially one that runs all day Saturday and Sunday. I have an issue with you planting your chair near the stage and sitting during the show. I have an even bigger issue with those of you that get upset with those of us who like to get close and, by virtue of your choice to remain seated, block your seated view. Also, it really crowds the front area when you and your chair take up as much space as two people.

This problem was seemingly solved a few years ago when there was a dedicated section for people with chairs. It looked a bit silly though. It even prompted Jeff Tweedy to joke that he didn’t know most Wilco fans were in wheelchairs. The solution only lasted a year, coincidentally, the last year the festival was on city hall grounds.

So I’m begging you all who attend the festival this year, please, please, please, if you bring a chair, try to find a spot that is not only convenient for you, but that is convenient for those of us who like to get near the stage on our feet.. If you must sit near the front of the stage, then please don’t get upset with people who like to stand near the stage.

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