Monday, September 14, 2009

Halifax Trip

I've been really bad at posting lately. I'd like to say it's because I'm busy, but that'd be a lie. I just haven't been annoyed that much recently. Sure there are a few things here and there, but nothing that makes me want to go off on somebody or something. I am working on a continuing series of rants and I have the ideas in my head, I'm just having a hard time putting pen to paper.

Anyway, enough with the excuses. This post has a very small curmudgeon quotient but I had to share a few things with you from my trip to Halifax this weekend. It was my cousin Dr. DJ AA's stag party. We went fishing, played poker and drank copious amounts of Propeller Pumphouse SOB (highly recommended). I have nothing bad to say about the event at all, though losing to SOB Dr. DJ AA with A-A-6-6-J to A-A-6-6-K spoiled the night until the next shot of Occidental.

What I want to share with you is two of the craziest things I've ever seen at an airport and a warning about travelling. Dr. DJ AA (it may in fact be DJ Dr. AA, I'll have to ask him) was dropping me off at 10:30 am in the morning. I opened the door and got out of the Caravan (or Voyager, again I'll have to ask) and see a man standing just beside the van with his back to the airport wall. He looks like any other business traveller in Halifax; khaki pants, dress shirt, windbreaker coat folded over his arm, and luggage. Just as I step onto the pavement and am about to turn around to open the back door of the van I hear that distinctive psst sound of a beer cap twisting off a bottle. Then this typical business man begins to down a full bottle of Moosehead (green). I immediately hear Dr. DJ AA begin to laugh and I say "did you just see that" and he says "yep." Crazy. I can't believe I saw that. I realize it's not that hard to believe, but if you had seen it and just realized how business like this guys looked, you wouldn't believe it either. He was all business about getting that St. Saint John brewed lager into him too.

So I'm in the Halifax airport waiting in the security line and about to send a message about this crazy thing I saw when I see another crazy thing. I see a woman, likely in her 50s, walking to the security check. She looks like a business traveller as well. I notice she is pulling her wheeled luggage and see something sparkle. I check out the luggage and the thing has chrome wheels. I'm talking Xzibit pimp my ride chrome wheels. The chorus of "One of these things is not like the other" immediately chimes in my head.

Now for your travel advisory warning. You know when you are leaving a hotel room and you get that feeling that you left something behind. Do not just think "ah, it's nothing, if I did it's likely toothpaste." It could be your Ipod. You could have to call the hotel and arrange for someone to pick it up and send it back to you. You could have to pay what I like to call "the dumb-ass tax."

I hope your weekend was as good as mine.


Dr. DJ Aa said...

1. Pumphouse SOB
2. Dodge Caravan
3. Never trust a businessman

sandy said...

I prefer DJ Dr. AA. Maybe you can get a job as a DJ if the soil ecology stuff falls through, A-dog.

sandy said...

4. Saint John, not St. John

Don Mills said...

Thanks Sandy, though it's embarrassing to have a Newfie/Haligonian correct a New Brunswicker on the proper spelling of Saint John. At least I didn't use 's.

sandy said...

They don't call me Sandy Spellchecker for nuthin